Branding shoots are not just taking photos! 3 things that go down before shoot day


Branding shoots are not just about taking photos! The process of a branding shoot is carefully planned to ensure your brand’s energy is captured and that your new images make sense to go alongside your brand messaging.

Before shoot day, there are three key steps I take to ensure we get images that will show off your brands energy. From planning our shot list during a strategy session, to preparing the perfect props, to scouting the ideal locations, every detail is considered to make your branding shoot a success. Here’s a closer look at the essential pre-shoot preparations that set the stage for branding photography.


Plan our shot list.

Every branding shoot begins with a strategy session via Zoom, and this is where we start building out the shoot.

After the strategy session you receive a collaborative spreadsheet with a detailed shot list, and together, we refine this list until it’s perfect.

And remember, while we’ll have a plan, photography is a creative process, so we’ll also capture spontaneous images beyond the shot list :)


Prepare props.

In our strategy call, we also discuss the props for the shoot. Anything goes!

Props add context and depth to your photos

For example, I found these fluffy wool balls at a thrift store for a shoot with creative services agency iilo Creative Alliance.

Why wool balls?

"iilo" means "thread" in Spanish, symbolizing interdependence and connections. The wool represented this beautifully in their branding photos!


Location Scout.

We usually shoot at 2-4 locations, and I’ll visit these spots ahead of time. It helps me identify the best angles, corners, and details.

For iilo Creative Alliance, I found this pop-py yellow building during a scout. Yellow is one of their brand colors, making it a perfect backdrop for photos of co-founders Lisa and Madelen.

Thanks yellow building for your service!


Ready to simplify your content creation?

Take the first step in having your own library of consistent brand images at your fingertips. Stuck with content creation? I got you!

Book a free discovery call and let’s connect about bringing your brand energy alive through fresh imagery!


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