Creating Images for a Business Coach to Match her Brand Personality

A great brand identity has a feeling of cohesiveness across tone of voice and visuals.

It all fits together and provides the audience with an understanding of the personality of the brand. If colours used in a logo and website are bright and bold, you can usually expect the brand voice to be the same: full of energy and with big things to say.

On the other end, brands that use more of a natural and muted colour palette may have more of a reserved and formal personality.

Brand photography is a great way to share the personality and energy of a business!

Think of Apple: their marketing so often has included people dancing on single-tone colours. Their visuals are so colourful, sleek and minimal, and guess what, so are their products and brand experience.

I worked with Vancouver-based Business Coach for Creatives, Aura McKay to create a set of photographs to represent the different parts and colours of her personality.

The goals of the business branding photography:

  • Match the tone of her communication

  • To use alongside her website and social media copy to connect with her audience

  • Create up-to-date images that are aligned in tone and personality

  • To create a library of images for Aura to pull from

We shot the business branding session in a big, naturally lit space with a mostly neutral colour palette, and lots of different areas to use for different scenes.

Aura’s brand colour palette includes blue, yellow and red, and as you can see from the photos, the accessories used were matched up to those colours. Check out the accessories like the cushions, mug, and of course Aura’s outfits.

The final images sit well together as a unified set, and are ready to use across Aura’s website and other social media platforms.

Check out a screenshot below to see one of the images in action ‘in the wild’ on Aura’s website, Business of Creativity amongst the other brand elements!

Want to create your own set of visuals for your website or social media?

Connect with me and let’s get going! I can’t wait to create aligned images for your small business.


Branding Photos for a Career Coach


2021 Business Highlights