3 TED talks on entrepreneurship & business


How I became an entrepreneur at 66 - link

Really beautiful short talk & reminder it is NEVER TOO LATE to create something that'll have you feel you're making a contribution to the planet & something you're passionate about

What really motivates people to be honest in business - link

How many companies do you interact with on a daily basis? It’s midday when I’m writing this and I’ve already interacted with 8 (shampoo brand, toothpaste, coffee shop, coffee beans, my bank account to pay for the coffee, Apple mac, Samsung for my cell phone, the grocery store for the lunch I’m just enjoying). Did you know 1 out of 7 large public corporations commit fraud every year costing society $380 billion per year?

This talk looks at peoples values and how they interact with them even when no one is watching.

Why jobs of the future won't feel like work - link

This is one of the best talks I’ve heard in a long time and I was tempted to write the whole transcript as notes. Instead, a few key things that jumped out for me:

25 million jobs could disappear over the next 10 years.

We’ve face 2 mass extinctions of jobs before - 1870-1970 - where the % of American workers based on farms fell by 90%; and 1950-2010 - where the % of American workers working in factories fell by 75%.

The challenge we now face is based on time - the rate of change suggests we may have 10-15 years to react.

“What is the key to preventing our jobless future is to rediscover what makes us human and to create a new generation of human centred jobs that allow us to unlock the hidden talents and passions that we carry with us every day.”

“It’s when everyday brings a little bit of a surprise that we have designed work for humans and not for robots”

“If we really want to robot proof our jobs, leaders need to get out of the mindset of telling people what to do and instead start asking them what problems they’re inspired to solve and what talents they want to bring to work”.

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Go listen to this!! Would love to hear your thoughts if you feel so inclined to share!


3 impact-driven businesses that are crowdfunding right now


An introduction to B Corporations